Sunday 30 August 2020

Video: Gorakhpur Terracotta !!

To create more awareness about the unique Terracotta from Gorakhpur, we have made the following video. This video will be displayed at #SwadeshiMandi, the famous and now digital event at NITIE Mumbai.

The video showcases how exactly the terracotta is sculpted into its final stunning form. It provides a glimpse into the intricate process and also showcases the wide variety pf products that can be made by it.

In the narration, first Shubham introduces the product, then I explain its uniqueness and environment friendliness.

We all should promote it and ensure that it gets the national and international presence it deserves !

PLEASE BUY this product the next time you see it in the market !!

Wednesday 26 August 2020

Evacuating excess inventory: Marketing Management

Having an increased amount of inventory in warehouses can be very detrimental. It has an adverse impact on the morale of the whole company. The workers feel that they have produced something that they cannot sell.

Excess inventory also increases the holding cost. Plus a shortage of space is generated, meaning, you cannot store other products. This prevents the company from building up inventory of other fast moving goods, thus hampering the profitability.

Inventory held for long time deteriorates in quality. Products like cements have a very short shelf life and if stored beyond a few months, would become unusable. 

Technology products too face an obsolescence cost.

There are a variety of ways to reduce the accumulated inventory.

1. Pay As you use:

This method can be suggested to big buyers. The company pushes out its inventory to the buyers warehouse without asking for a payment. After a period, the company sends a person to take measurements, and based on them, the buyer has to pay according to the inventory he was able to sell.

This is a quick way of doing distress sales. The buyers are interested as they don’t have to pay upfront and hedges them from future supply disruption. They would have to pay only for the sales that they can make, thus hedging their forecasting risks.

This model is not very popular in industry, as the company does not get immediate cash flow, but is quick and effective way to evacuate inventory in a short time.


2. Promotions:

This is a short term measure to temporarily increase the sales and clear out old stock. But we should also address the root cause of the problem. The sales and manufacturing departments should coordinate effectively to run a successful promotion.


3. Bundling:

Bundling a slow moving product with a fast moving product also helps clear the stuck inventory. It can be suggested to small retailers. Slow products that are still within their expiry dates can be cleared out in this way. In retail, we have seen many examples of this strategy with: buy one get one free deals.

4. Match Supply and demand:

This is the core reason why inventory builds up. If the production does not stop when the sales have lagged behind, an inventory build-up will occur. So proper coordination between the sales and production teams is necessary to ensure a smooth flow. The forecasting department should also function effectively to prevent this issue.

Tuesday 25 August 2020

Setting SMART Goals


Setting goals are very important to ensure success. Goals lend a direction to our life. They make our lives meaningful. Success is measured by how many goals we have achieved. And this brings us to todays topic of setting SMART goals.


SMART Goals mean:

  • S - Specific
  • M - Measurable
  • A - Achievable
  • R - Relevant
  • T - Time bound


Unless the goals we set have these quality, we would never be able to achieve them. These lend a concreteness to our goals.



Our goals should not be vague. They should have a simple and to the point objective. Something that we can actually work towards. It helps clearly defining our target.



Our goals should be defined in terms of exactly how much of a thing we want. Like a person trying to write a book can say: I will write 100 pages per month. If this component is lacking, tracking our progress becomes very difficult.



Our goals should be realistic and within our grasp. Only then can it motivate us to work hard. Setting unrealistic goals like I will become the next Warren Buffet in 1 year is a fraud on ourselves.



Our goals should be in synchronous with who we are. What we really want in life. They should be relevant to our current purpose. They should be a reflection of our current priorities.


Time Bound:

This gives a deadline to our goals. Vague goals will never be achieved. Setting a self imposed deadline will motivate us to work hard in achieving it. It will also help measure and track our progress.


Our goals should be determined by the above formula. Next we have to work hard to achieve them. I remember the lines by our beloved APJ Kalam: “Dream is not that which you see while sleeping it is something that does not let you sleep.”

Tuesday 18 August 2020

Guest Lecture: Communication in Consulting and Personal Branding

Hi folks !

Today, we had a guest lecture by Mr Nikhil. He spoke on the finer aspects of Business Communication and how he had used it effectively in Consulting and Personal Brand Building. It was a very informative lecture on the practical aspects of communications. He introduced us to the exciting world of consulting and what people do there.

The lecture started with an introduction of Mr Nikhil Kulkarni. He used to work at KPMG before quitting and starting his own travel website company. 

This website is available at and focuses on the niche segment of holiday planning. It has recently been opened to the general public, before that it was catering only to the B2B clients. The website offers the integrated experience of planning a holiday, generating the itinerary and makes booking everything an easy experience.

Business Communication in Consulting

Then we moved on to discuss how to effectively communicate our ideas to our superiors, our teams and to our clients. He told us that 80% of the consultant’s work is based on communication. Research and Relationship account for only 5% and 15% of the whole job description.

He explained how the business proposals are presented using Power Points and Word document. The reports are also done in that medium. But for executive briefing, presentations are more apt. For work papers, Excel sheets or Word are the right tools. So these Microsoft Office programs are our best friends for effective communication.

The Pyramid Principle

Next he spoke on the pyramid strategy and how to use it to design the content. We should structure our communication in the form of an Introduction -> Contents -> Conclusion. We should be mindful of what is the objective of the work, who is the intended audience, have we covered the problem exhaustively and have we provided the solutions to all the problems ?


He introduced the jargon MECE: Mutually Exclusive and Collectively Exhaustive. It signifies that all the points we are using should be relevant and should not repeat themselves. This increases the impact of the report. Our points together should exhaustively cover the whole content. If we follow this approach in writing a report, we shall have a higher impact on the audience.

For effective communication, he mentioned that we should start with a key message. Multiple supporting arguments should be provided for our case. These arguments should be individually supported by Ideas, Data, Facts and Logic. Every point should be MECE and unique. At the end, we should use a strong summarizing statement. This approach will help us communicate our idea better to the audience.

Impact in our works

He recommended that we read the book: “How to write Reports and Proposals” by Patrick Forsyth to improve our communication styles. He mentioned multiple ideas using which we can stand out in a crowd. Like we should start our presentations with a statistics or an image. It immediately captures the attention of the audience. 

An image speaks louder than a 1000 words. Our slides should be focussed more on an image rather than having lots of text. Text usually bores the audience.

Personal Brand

Then he talked why it is important to have a personal brand and how to build it. Our personal brands means who we are to the world. It is largely influenced by the type of contents we post on the digital platforms. We should keep updating our image through variety of ways to increase our visibility.

The tools available to us these days are the blogs, Youtube channels, Twitter and Instagram posts. We should properly curate the contents we post on these sites. We need not be celebrities to become famous. The content we post should be of high quality, and people will automatically start following us.

At the end, he showed us examples of how people had build their brands around their digital personas. He also gave his own example of starting a blog around 15 years ago. 

This was a very interesting lecture that had very useful takeaways. I hope to use the content that I have gained in improving my communication style. 

Thanks for reading, I hope you liked it. Please mention it in the comments below !!

Monday 17 August 2020

Zayka ka Tadka


On the occasion of independence day, #MandiSir had arranged a webinar with 2 important persons.

  1. Shri Abhay Jere, who is the Chief Innovation Officer, Ministry of Education, GOI
  2. Ms Apeksha who is the Founder Zyka Ka Tadka

Both of them gave important insights on how entrepreneurship is the new trend and how everyone should contribute towards making India more Atmanirbhar.

Zayeke ka Tadka is a LIVE Cooking Website which hosts cooking shows with moms. It is the only platform in this niche and is becoming very popular. It was started by Apeksha maam, who is our senior and her mother. This example shows us that nothing is impossible. All we need to do is to come up with an innovative idea and stick to it.

Apeksha maam had earlier joined the prestigious company P&G. But later realized that having a startup was her dream. So she quit that job to start this cooking platform. She encouraged us to follow innovation as a career option.

A lot of entrepreneurship endevours take place on campus. We even have a dedicated e-cell for it. It also resonates with 1/12 Mandi Sir’s idea that we should earn atleast 1Rs for every 12 Rs we invest in education. So a lot of startups are being opened in NITIE Mumbai.

She described to us how idea can be generated. We just have to look around us, and think about what things can we change and improve. Doing so will generate multiple ideas. The next step becomes executing those ideas by assembling a proper team.

We have seen countless examples where due to the covid pandemic, the supply chains got disrupted. People took advantage of this and set up services to cater to the local demand. These people showed that an innovator’s mindset is very essential during the time of crisis

She also emphasized that we should never stop dreaming. It was her dream to become an IPL manager. To a normal person it would seem a very far fetched dream. But it needs courage to dream that big.

She was constantly supported by her mother in all her endeavours. Her mother had once addressed a large crowd without any preparation. And it is the mother-daughter bond that has made Zayeke ka Tadka so popular. It is their secret recipe.

For her efforts, #MandiSir even called out that her mother is nothing less than a professor because she has taught and led countless persons. Being a housewife did not hold her back in any sense. She is a true example of women empowerment.

Jeere sir also emphasized on the point that there is no dearth of ideas. We are a nation of 1.3 billion people. We only need a few of them to start a successful company. He emphasized that we need to focus more on R&D in the country.

He advocated the Prime Minister’s vision of Atmanirbhar bharat. He asked that we should become self reliant on ourselves. Why should we need to look to foreign countries when we ourselves have an immense capacity ?

He explained to us how it was the local products that helped us tide over the disruptions in the supply chains during the lockdown. It was the local kirana shops that kept delivering while the big giants failed to fulfill their orders. 

Therefore we should promote the use of local products. We should become more Vocal for Local and use and advertise the local products. This will be a great boost to our artisans and small business owners. Our PM Modi's call for being #VocalForLocal is a call in the right direction.

Our Swadeshi Mandi initiative is also geared to achieve that goal.

We would need to show more entrepreneurship to achieve the target of 5 trillion dollar economy. India has a great business potential. We should use our young demography and catch hold of the opportunity while it lasts. It could really propel us to great economic growth. 

Instead of being Job Seekers, we should become Job givers. This would boost our economy on one hand and will solve our unemployment problem on the other hand. For this we need to invest more on our physical and educational infrastructure.

Various government efforts like the New Economic Policy, including coding in the curriculum, setting up entrepreneurship cells throughout the country, Skill India mission are a step in the right direction. We all should contribute towards making India a 5 trillion dollar economy by 2025.

Thanks, please like and comment :)

Saturday 15 August 2020

The Poster Process

Happy Independence Day to all !

Let me describe how we came up with the poster for the #MahaMandi.

It all started in the Business communication class, when our #MandiSir asked us to be more Vocal for a Local product. Soon we started looking for partners from the same state as ours as that would help in selecting a common product.

Thankfully, I found Shubham Pathak, who hails from Gorakhpur. We discussed 2 products. I suggested the Daulat Ki Chat while he suggested the Gorakhpur Terracotta. We decided to go with the pottery as it is directly related to the local kumhars and any advertisement of their product will directly benefit their lives.

(Daulat ki Chat)

Now started the task of designing the poster. The 1st step was to gather all the design materials. The Mandi Logo, NITIE logo and MIG logo were available on mail. For the terracotta designs we searched on the internet. 

The 1st draft poster was conceived. It depicted potters hands holding the Mumbai in his hand. This was in sync with out title “Kumhar se Corporate tak” ie: the potter holds the key to our economy. 

But we were unable to properly bring out this theme. Also we needed to place the terracotta work in the center. So we decided to centralize a terracotta horse instead. To make the text at the bottom more prominent, we added a green background. Then we had an idea to add a red background to the top so that it looked more patriotic !

We implemented this and the final poster looked like this:

Then we changed some text colors which were not showing up properly on the background and added the 74th Independence Day text. We also added the #VocalForLocal hashtag to it.

Thus, we arrived at our final poster. Hope you liked the result ! Write in the comments below :)

Friday 14 August 2020

Kumhar se Corporate Tak

Hello friends !!

Independence day is just round the corner ! 

To celebrate this occasion, we the students of NITIE Mumbai have pledged our support for #VocalForLocal. This was the idea of our #MandiSir and each of the students have selected a local product from their hometowns and in the coming few days, we shall be promoting it on the various platforms. Its going to be a really exciting experience !! 

Me and my friend Shubham Pathak have chosen the “Gorakhpur Terracotta” as our local product. It is a grassroots product that is manufactured in a decentralized fashion by our Kumhars (Potters). 

They are not getting their due in terms of price ! Please help these potters get what they deserve !! 

I humbly ask you to buy the local potters artifacts the next time you seem them by the road. Lets keep our heritage and art forms alive. 

Do show your support in the comments !!

 #74Independence Day #VocalForLocal

Use of Social Media in Marketing

The use of social media like facebook and Instagram has become the new trend in marketing. This form of Digital Marketing is being used by c...