Friday 14 August 2020

Kumhar se Corporate Tak

Hello friends !!

Independence day is just round the corner ! 

To celebrate this occasion, we the students of NITIE Mumbai have pledged our support for #VocalForLocal. This was the idea of our #MandiSir and each of the students have selected a local product from their hometowns and in the coming few days, we shall be promoting it on the various platforms. Its going to be a really exciting experience !! 

Me and my friend Shubham Pathak have chosen the “Gorakhpur Terracotta” as our local product. It is a grassroots product that is manufactured in a decentralized fashion by our Kumhars (Potters). 

They are not getting their due in terms of price ! Please help these potters get what they deserve !! 

I humbly ask you to buy the local potters artifacts the next time you seem them by the road. Lets keep our heritage and art forms alive. 

Do show your support in the comments !!

 #74Independence Day #VocalForLocal


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